The John Cockerill Group has solutions specifically developed to enable its employees to meet their career development aspirations: adapted training programs, opportunities for foreign assignments or expatriations, integrated evaluation processes, etc.

Beyond individual training and development, John Cockerill trains its Talents in data protection, health and safety at work.

Search results for "". Page 1 of 1, Results 1 to 5 of 5
Title Location Department
IT Project Manager
IT Project Manager Seraing, Belgium 0.00 km
Seraing, Belgium IT
Chef de projet IT MES (F/H)
Chef de projet IT MES (F/H) Guyancourt, France 0.00 km
Guyancourt, France IT
Solution Leader PLM et R&D (F/H)
Solution Leader PLM et R&D (F/H) Guyancourt, France 0.00 km
Guyancourt, France IT
Chef de projet SAP (H/F)
Chef de projet SAP (H/F) Guyancourt, France 0.00 km
Guyancourt, France IT
Software Engineer (F/H)
Software Engineer (F/H) Guyancourt, France 0.00 km
Guyancourt, France IT

Our jobs by profession

Commercial & Sales


Engineer & Technology


Human Ressource & Communication






